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Parish Announcements and Activities

WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES IN OCTOBER:  Lou and Carmel Hagerman(11 years on Oct. 2); Bill and Leona English(52 years on Oct 7); Jimmy and Denise Hastings on Oct 16; Brent and Kara Smith(3 years on Oct. 16); Henry and Ellen Kocik( 21 years on Oct. 18); Harry and Carol Tasson( 58 years on Oct. 22); and Pat and Johanna O'Connor(57 years on Oct. 28)., Alicja & Stew Zobel-Brown (38 years on October 31st)  God's continued Blessings on all of you!


BIRTHDAYS IN OCTOBER:  Lyvia McGriskin(Oct 7); Patricia Aldcroft(Oct. 14); Joseph Martens (Oct. 18); Theresa Millett(Oct. 24); and Lorraine Buck (Oct. 27). Many happy returns to all of you.


FOODBANK:  Our local Foodbanks – Norwood and Havelock are seeking our support. Foodbank donation can be brought to either Church, and placed in the appropriate box at the Church entrance. Monetary donations – in an envelope marked “Foodbank – Norwood or Havelock” can be placed in the offertory collection.


We have 10 children registered to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion this year! Their first learning session will be on Sat. Oct 19th here at St. Pauls.


A HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who have donated flowers and plants to decorate the church---and for those who have donated to decorate the sanctuary for Thanksgiving!!


NEW PARISHIONERS AND VISITORS--a warm welcome to you!

Our 2025 offertory envelopes will be available in late November. If you are new, please fill out a "Parish Registration Form" found at the back of the church. If you would like an envelope set for next year, just check the box on the form. In the meantime, you can continue to use a yellow visitor's envelope (also at back of the church). Please write your name and address and phone # on it, and you will receive a tax receipt at year's end.


Norwood Christmas Community Choir

The Norwood Christmas Community Choir will begin practices at the Norwood United Church on Sunday October 20th at 7:00pm. Anyone wishing to join this festive group is welcome.


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