4186 Highway # 7, PO Box 208 Norwood, ON K0L 2V0
Regular Office Hours
Tuesday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Parish Announcements and Activities
BIRTHDAYS IN FEBRUARY: Barb Woods(Feb 8); Jane Breyenton(Feb 10); John Kartes(Feb 10); Chris McGriskin(Feb 12); Vincent McGriskin(Feb19); Helen Coughlin(Feb 20th and 100 Years Old!!) Peter Kennelly(Feb 21); Lilly Farrugia(Feb 23); and Patrick O'Connor(Feb 29). Many happy returns to all!!
WEDDING ANNIVERSARY IN FEBRUARY: Gene and Claire Reilly(38 years on Feb. 28th)!
St. Paul’s R.C. Cemetery Board are looking for someone to cut and trim grass at the cemetery. Anyone interested please contact Theo Van Will at 705-696-2027 or Frank English at 705-639-2063.
Coffee Get Together
This is an invite for all ladies of St. Paul Norwood & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Havelock to come and enjoy time together over coffee etc. & muffins. An opportunity to chat with other parishioners and share stories. Meet at 10:00AM Thursday, February 20th at the Norwood Café & Diner. 4247 Highway # 7
PLEASE notify me if you or a loved one is in the hospital, or seriously ill at home. I know some people "don't want to bother the Priest--he's too busy". Nonsense. That's why we were ordained!!
CONFESSIONS are available anytime. Please call me for an appointment, or just grab me before Mass!
Camp Northern Lights
The special collection will take place on February 22nd & 23rd.
Envelopes are at the back of both churches. The camp website is www.campnorthernlights.com For further information call Randy Riel at 705-872-7343.
Indigenous Reconciliation Fund Round 3 Funding
February 3 to March 20, 2025
The IRF supports Indigenous-led and managed projects in one or more of these areas:
Healing for communities and families,
Culture and language revitalization.
Knowledge-sharing, heritage & traditions and community building; and
Dialogues for promoting Indigenous spirituality and culture.
For more information, please use the link below.